Monday, February 23, 2009

If I could just muster up a portion of the enthusiasm for my homework as I have for shopping online, life would be good. Seriously. I know I said when I started these classes that I can do anything for 5 1/2 weeks but bleh! This ethics class I'm in just totally does not do it for me.

Sociology was just as boring and I escaped with a C+. I'm disappointed about that grade but that was one class I was just glad to be done with. Plus, I was sick as a dog for most of it and I think I just did the bare minimum just to get by. But I made up for it the next class with an A so all is good. Right now I'm taking "Philosophy of Human Conduct". Next up is "Intro to Ethics and Social Responsibility". ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz!!!!!! Come on! This is basically just a repeat of what I read about in sociology!

Can't I take some fun classes yet? Intro to Early Childhood Ed? Children's Literature? Language Devlopment? Something, ANYTHING but more sociology/ethics/philosophy classes! And in each class you have to do a minimum of one research paper per class. This class I have to do two papers. So every 2-5 weeks I'm doing a research paper. Even the times I don't wait until the last minute I still dread writing these papers about as much as I dread going to the dentist.

Oh man. I can't finish this boring stuff fast enough. I'd really much rather be doing anything other than writing an essay today but off I go. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.