OK, technically where I live it's still Tuesday but barely. At least I didn't forget to do this for this week! :)
I've really gotten into using coupons lately. With prices of gas, groceries and really everything else rising every day, it just makes sense to save every dollar you can. Tired of rifling though a bulging coupon-filled envelope (and praying not to drop it!), I made myself a coupon organizer folder and a coupon sorting mat.
For the coupon sorting mat:
First, I made a list of all the types of things we buy. My list has categories for
Baby, baking needs, beverages, canned goods, cereal, cleaning supplies,condiments, dairy, deli, frozen foods, household supplies, meat and poultry, organic and bulk items, pasta and sauces, personal hygiene, pet supplies, produce, restaurant coupons and store coupons.
Next, I used Microsoft Word to create a list of these items and included small graphics for each category. I also printed a Mom's Coupons title with a cute little flower graphic I like and a return address info block with my name, address and phone number in case I misplace the folder. I printed these out and cut them apart.
Finally, I laminated them using clear contact paper. I should have spaced them out a little more to leave more room for the bigger coupons but here's a couple pictures of the finished product.
For the coupon folder:
I used a folder I had lying around and added some trading card pocket sheets. (I think I got mine at Walmart). I used tabs to label the edges so I can flip right to the section of coupons I need. I'll probably get some more durable tabs but this was all I had on hand at the moment. Last, I printed a second copy of the Mom's Coupons label and return address info and added them. Here's what it looks like:
Last month, I saved at least $100 using coupons and shopping the ads. It was a lot of work, but well worth it! Now let's hope when cashiers see me they don't say "Oh no, here comes that crazy coupon lady!" Or maybe that would be a good thing?
P90X Day 10, 11 & 12
12 years ago
I use a different system but your looks great too. I love coupons and keeping them organized is so helpful.
Wow! Awesome organization system!
I LOVE using coupons and use them for everything! I carry TWO little divider things though (like what you would store checks in or monthly bills.) I really like what you have done. I have plenty of all this stuff laying around too. Hmmm, may have to "copy" your idea! Thanks for the tip!
I sort my coupons & put them in a binder, but never thought about making a sorting mat - awesome idea!
What a great idea! Thank you!
Great idea - I am addicted to The Coupon Mom website :)
Gotta love saving money!
I use a binder for my coupons as well. I love it! Have you checked out hotcouponworld.com? It is such an informative site!
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