Saturday, January 28, 2006

Oooh...two posts in one day. Think you can handle it? :) This one's a sappy one. Don't say I didn't warn you.

It is fun to live with my husband. Why? He's the only one I know who is as silly as I am. In the past week he has:

Done a funny little dance to the alarm his cell phone was playing one morning.

Tried to convince me he could be the next American Idol by singing very badly (on purpose) in the car.

Danced with me in the kitchen as I was cooking dinner. We both dance horribly.

Taken just as many pictures of our cats doing cute things as I did.

Talked far more baby talk to the cats. I never do that. (Yeah right.)

That's all I can remember right now, but I'm sure there is more. He's a pretty fun guy to be around. And smart and handsome too! Aren't I lucky?

OK, enough mushiness. Gotta go watch OU beat up on Texas. Never thought I'd root for the Sooners. :)