Monday, June 14, 2004

What a busy day! I got lots of new plants to dress up the front sidewalk today. Lantanas, geraniums, hibiscus, salvia, and argyranthemum. I also got a patio tomato plant and a mild jalapeno too. I can't wait to use those to make some homemade salsa! I just need a cilantro plant. Maybe that will be on my list of things to get tomorrow. I go enroll at Northeastern State University tomorrow. I am looking forward to that...sort of. I am kind of enjoying not having anything to do, but it does get boring at times. I will be glad to get back to school and have something worthwhile to occupy my time. In the meantime, I am cooking a lot, buying things for the house, and just generally enjoying the summer. After working 2 and three jobs for the past 10 years, I am really taking advantage of not working. Now I just need to join a gym. Jason and I have started riding our new bikes in the neighborhood. He is in way better shape than I am and pushes me constantly to do more, faster, better, etc. This is good for me, but often I can't realize this while my muscles are screaming and sweat is pouring off of me. Why he picks the hottest time of the day to go for a ride is beyond me. Oh well! I'll sweat off that excess water weight in no time at this rate! I need to get all the remaining boxes unpacked from the computer/craft/exercise room. I can't even use the treadmill we got because of all the boxes in the way. Ugh! I hate unpacking boxes! Wish we made enough money to pay someone to do that for us. Isn't that lazy of me? I can't help it...that's how much I despise moving/packing/unpacking, etc. My friend Jennifer called today to challenge me to a weight-loss competition. I really need that, as I weigh more now than I have ever weighed in my life. Should be interesting. Maybe that will inspire me to unbury (is that a word?) the treadmill.
Wish me luck!