Sunday, April 23, 2006

Enough with the rain already! It has rained all weekend. It started on Friday right after I got off of work and hasn't quit. Very frustrating, because on Friday, I bought a 1/2 whiskey barrel, some potting soil and some gorgeous plants from my new favorite nursery. I'm going to put them around my plain-Jane mailbox in an attempt to liven up the front yard a little. I hate that I can only do a little at a time, but such is life on a budget, I guess. I bought some dahlias and two kinds of sweet potato vine (one lime green and one deep purple). The plan is to cut a hole in the bottom of the barrel, put the mailbox pole in the center and fill in around it with plants. I may try to find a clematis or morning glory to add later so that it will climb up and around the mailbox, but I couldn't find one I liked. I also bought a pink peony (my FAVORITE!), some pink phlox, a strawberry plant in a hanging basket, and some lavender plants (I LOVE the smell of lavender!) And of course, the one time I do spend a small fortune on plants and am all hyped up to plant rains the entire weekend! Oh well! Guess I'll have a project to work on this week, right?
Will post a picture when I finally get the planter done.

In other news, tomorrow is Jason's birthday! Can't tell you what exactly we'll be doing, in case he reads this blog, but I will post pictures and all the details after the big event. Happy Birthday, honey! :)