Sunday, October 30, 2005

Uh oh...I haven't posted in a while. You know what that means! A long post where I talk about anything and everything that comes to mind and post way too many pictures of my cats. Ha!ha!

Update on the shoulder-it still hurts. I try to use my left hand as much as possible, but there are just somethings I realized I should not try to do with the "wrong" hand. Things like: applying eyeliner and mascara, writing (some folks can, I however, cannot!), eating soup. Although watching me attempt any of these things is quite hilarious for Mr. Crafty, it is not always pretty. Thanks to all of you for your kind get-well wishes. If things don't get better soon, I will be forced to see an orthopedic surgeon. (Wish I was closer to Dr. J, Katie!)

Still trying to not use my shoulder but carry on as though nothing happened has proven to be very hard. At first, I watched a lot of t.v. and complained about being bored. Then, I got off the couch and found a project. I painted some Halloween decorations. Yes, I hear you all now saying "But, Amy, that's using your shoulder." Yes, I know and I paid dearly for it the next day. I'll post a picture of my latest crafty adventure.

That's about it, really. We had some company this week. Dad's girlfriend came to visit and we had a really nice time. (Why does it seem weird to call someone dating my dad "girlfriend"?) Wish dad could have come to visit, but I know he does too. Maybe next time. (Love you, dad!)

Ho hum, another week at work. Bleh! Happy Halloween everybody!