Monday, September 11, 2006

No, I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I'm still here, just been extremely busy. Quick overview...

*the trip to Oklahoma was great. I could write a LOT more about my trip home, but that will have to wait until another time.

*work is going surprisingly well. Had a little "talk" with my co-teacher after she insulted my lesson plan and I set her straight on a few things. I definitely let her know I didn't like the way she came to me with new ideas and said "this is what we're gonna do". She got the hint. I hope.

*since I got home from Oklahoma (my REAL home!), I've been so crazily busy that I was actually glad for Monday to roll around again so I could get back to a normal, less busy schedule. I feel like I need a weekend to recover from my weekend! UVA football and tailgating w/Jason, Amy and Kelly on Saturday, then PAT GREEN (!) concert in DC Sunday evening w/Jason, Amy and Heath. It sure was fun but like I said, I'm glad to see Monday roll around so I can actually get to sleep at a decent time! What a fun but busy weekend!

*Patches cat has been meowing at the back door all evening and when J and I finally looked outside we found 4 kittens sitting on our back porch. My first thought was NO WAY! We are NOT feeding/taking in FOUR kitties! But as I'm typing this, I'm feeling pretty guilty because we didn't at least put some cat food out on the porch. But then the rational voice kicks in and says "NO WAY! If you feed them, they'll keep coming back!". Sigh. What is a cat lover to do? I just keep telling myself "I'm NOT going to feed them. I'm NOT going to feed them."

That'll have to do for a post for now. I'm going to bed early!
More when I get time.
:) Amy