Friday, December 09, 2005

Wow! I have been awful lately about updating my blog! Maybe that will have to be one of my New Year's Resolutions this year. :)

What's been going on with me? Not a lot. Just working and trying to get ready for Christmas. We put up 1/2 of our Christmas tree last night. I just wasn't feeling in the Christmas spirit, I guess. Maybe it's because I know we're not going home for the holidays? I don't know why, but right now I'm feeling more "bah humbug" than "happy holidays". Maybe if I get my house all decorated and my presents for my honey bought and under the tree, then I'll feel more in the mood. I'll try.

Mr. Crafty is leaving me alone next week. He's going to the corporate office for a week to do some time studies to try to set some standards for all of the plants. I'm excited for him and proud of him because he's really going to be saving the company a lot of money every day with the procedures he's putting into place. Hmmm....maybe some of the money he saves them will trickle down our way. That would be nice! :)

We got snow last night. I haven't been outside yet to check, but I'd guess it was about 3 inches. I have mixed emotions about the snow. I hate the cold weather and the dangerous driving, but even I can't help but admit that a fresh blanket of fallen snow is a beautiful thing.

Anybody else feel in the mood for some hot chocolate?