Saturday, October 08, 2005

OK, ok, here's a post already! :) Nothing too much to post about. Just been working and then hanging out at home with my hubby and my cats. New kitty's name is Patches. (Or Patch for short.) Now we have a Pumpkin Patch! :) The two cats are gradually warming up to each other. Pumpkin spent the first two days we had the kitten up on top of the kitchen cabinets. It was the only place in the house that the kitten couldn't get to.

In other news, I "Boo"d my neighbors. I was at a friend's house and as we were leaving, she opened her front door to find a Halloween goody basket on her front porch with a note. I liked the idea so much that I thought I'd start this in my neighborhood and see if anyone joined in. Here's a pic of what my neighbors got.

And here's what the note said so you can "Boo" your neighbors too! :)

You've Been "Boo"d!

The air is cool, the season fall.
Soon Halloween will come to all.
Ghosts and goblins, spooks galore.
Tricky witches at your door.
The spooks are after things to do,
in fact, a spook brought this to you!!!

The treats that came with this short note,
are yours to keep, enjoy them both.
The excitement comes when friends like you,
will copy it and make it too.

We'll all have smiles upon our faces,
no one will know who "boo"d whose places!!
Just two short days to work your spell.
Keep it secret, hide it well.
Please join the fun, the season's here.
Just spread the "boo's" and Halloween cheer.

You have been "boo"d
Please keep it going by following these directions:
1. Enjoy your treat.
2. Place the "I've Been Boo-d" sign on your front door or visible in a window.
3. Within 2 days, make a copy of this note and poem.
4. Make 2 treats and 2 "boo" signs.
5. Secretly deliver to 2 neighbors/friends without a sign.
6. Keep an eye on nearby front doors to see how far and fast this spreads by Halloween.