Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Well, it's official. We are not going home for Christmas. Instead, we are moving. AT CHRISTMAS!!! Bah humbug! Can't believe I have to mail everyone's presents. If I had known that, I wouldn't have taken the time to painstakingly shop for just the perfect gift for what felt like a million people (Ok, really only about 25 or so.), wrap each gift with shiny red paper, a fancy bow, and a nametag, and go to storage, where I had to rummage around to get to the back of the storage unit to find our Christmas stockings, which we won't even be filling up and exchanging this year!

Yes I know that was one extremely long, confusing sentence, but that's what happens when I am typing fast. Sorry. Please, no comments on my grammatical and punctuation errors. Thanks.

Ho hum. Now I have two finals tomorrow, a research paper and presentation due Thursday (which I haven't even started!!!), and I have to pack my entire house by myself and move over Christmas. Bring on 2005, cause 2004 isn't going out very well.

Can't wait til December 23rd when I finally get to see Mr. Crafty for the first time since Thanksgiving!!!

Anyone want to help me move? Anyone? Please?